Hijiri, who lives with her husband in Tokyo, spends every summer at her younger sister’s couple’s house in the countryside. Her brother-in-law, Seiji, had a crush on Hijiri, but her feelings were hidden deep in her heart. In order to distract her, I tried to go get her wild vegetables, but Hijiri, who says she has no time, also accompanies me. A few hours later, while the two of them were enjoying picking edible wild plants deep in the mountains, a sudden downpour struck and they evacuated to a nearby mountain hut. No one came to pick her up, and she was alone with Hijiri until morning.
JUQ-086 Sudden Heavy Rain In The Countryside. She Wanders Into A Mountain Hut And Is Alone With Her Longing Sister-in-law, Hijiri. Hijiri Maihara
Date: September 9, 2022 Time: 02:00:00
Hijiri Maihara
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