Misako Hayase (Mako Oda) works part-time at a supermarket and is an ordinary housewife who lives with her son Satoshi and her serious husband. However, one day she is invited to a drinking party at her workplace by a young young man Kuroki who works part-time, and she makes a one-night stand mistake. Misako, who felt the pleasure of her woman even though she felt guilty, met with Kuroki again and fell into violent sexual intercourse. At that point, Misako’s part-time colleague Mamiya (Otonashi Kaori) appears in front of Misako, indulging in her lust with Kuroki and shaving her pubic hair as proof of her submission.
URE-016 The Long Awaited First Collaboration!! Based on the Original Comic of Ko Takasugi ‘s Two Book “Inngi no Hate 1”, “The Corruption …
Date: Agustus 2, 2014 Time: 03:57:00
Kaori Otosaki / Mako Oda
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