A faithful live-action version of the popular doujin, original work by Kurosu Gatari “Kamama Syndrome” by Madonna! Koichi is frustrated that his relationship with his girlfriend, Yui, is not progressing. At times like that. When Yui’s mother Ryoko (Nene Tanaka) asks how their relationship is progressing, Koichi emphasizes that their relationship is healthy. Then, Ryoko presses her plump body tightly against him… “I’ll do what she can’t do with that girl,” she said as she thrust her tongue into his. There was no way Koichi could resist the wave of pleasure he was experiencing for the first time…
URE-102 Original Work: Kurosu Gatari Kamama Syndrome Secretly Cuckolding My Daughter’s Boyfriend! ! A Faithful Live-action Version Of Madonna’s Bewi …
Date: Desember 8, 2023 Time: 01:58:00
Nene Tanaka
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